Monday, February 14, 2011

Is MRSA Dangerous Infection?

Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, also known as MRSA and they are bacteria which cause MRSA infection. They are very dangerous bacteria which can be fatal if not detected on time. However they can be dormant in your body and cause no harm. They are found in various parts of the body like the nose, genital parts, skin, mouth, anus and many others. They become active when your body’s immunity is down. The first sign is a boil and gets worse as the bacteria get into the blood stream and in the bones too.  This disease is also contagious and can be passed from one person to another.
Staphylococcus bacteria are common in people whose immunity is low. This includes patients of diabetes, lung disease, vascular disease and cancer.  The common symptoms are skin blisters, swelling, and a lot of pain in affected area, boils and formation of pus.
MRSA spreads from one person to another and these bacteria do not go away completely after treatment. This means that the bacteria can affect the victim again if they get favorable place to grow. People who have been victims of MRSA should avoid coming into contacts with infected patients. Below are some the ways in which MRSA can be passed from one person to another:
·        By simply touching and getting close to some who is infected by MRSA
·        Using contaminated accessories or any other items that have been used by someone  suffering from MRSA
·        Touching or trying drain the MRSA wound
MRSA is resistant to methicillin and other antibiotics like oxacillin and penicillin. They do work when treating these bacteria and that makes treatment for MRSA quite hard.  One should complete a given dose because failure to do that the bacteria can become resistant. Most doctors prescribe powerful antibiotics. The body immunity also helps to fight this disease but in some cases the patient has to undergo a surgery.  This is done to drain pus from the wounds which allows them to heal. Surgical treatment is restricted to patients who are suffering from diabetes.
One should be cautious to avoid getting infected with MRSA. Keep distance from anyone who is suffering from MRSA and avoid things that have been used by sick people. Any wound should be cleaned and taken to hospital on time to avoid complicated infections. Eat healthy foods and drink to flush out toxins in your body

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What Is Holistic MRSA Treatment?

Introduction to article : MRSA is an infection which is caused by the Staph aureus bacteria. What sets this form of staph apart from others is its immunity to most of the antibiotic drugs which are commonly used to treat staph. Because of this, MRSA can be fatal if not detect early. Even though this disease has a immunity, there are several ways it can be processed, accepting with a holistic approach.

Garlic has long been used as an antibiotic and for immune system health. Garlic has a component called allicin which is a general antibiotic and is effective against several different diseases and conditons. In order for garlic to be efficient against MRSA, it must be particularly processed as normal garlic processing makes it lose its anti-bacterial properties. If you are taking an anti-coagulant, you must speak to your physician before starting therapy as garlic can stop blood from clotting. Likewise, if you are allergic to garlic, you may want to consider another form of treatment.

Manuka is honey which is produced by bees gathering nectar from the manuka bush. While regular honey does have the power to help with bacteria, manuka has some extra benefits for patients of this dangerous disease. This type of honey has non-hydrogen peroxide antibacterial components so it is unaffected by any natural body processes which work to demolish hydrogen peroxide, making it more efficient for handling hurts. It has also been found to be highly effective against antibiotic resistant strains of diseases like MRSA. It does not lose potency when it is diluted. It is unaffected by heat and light and does not need oxygen to begin the healing process. At Last, this honey can diffuse deeply into tissue which will help it to get into areas which other topical solutions can't reach.

Essential oils are extracted from plants and are composed of hundreds of antifungal, antiviral, and antimicrobial elements. Because of the huge assortment of chemicals in these oils, bacteria have a hard time becoming immune to them, making them perfect for processing a disease like MRSA infection. These oils can be very potent and should only be used under the proper circumstances. In Front treating yourself with oils, talk to your doctor to find out which ones you should use and how much of them to take. The vast majority of these oils are used for aromatherapy and are not appropriate for use in this manner.