Sunday, December 12, 2010

What Is Holistic MRSA Treatment?

Introduction to article : MRSA is an infection which is caused by the Staph aureus bacteria. What sets this form of staph apart from others is its immunity to most of the antibiotic drugs which are commonly used to treat staph. Because of this, MRSA can be fatal if not detect early. Even though this disease has a immunity, there are several ways it can be processed, accepting with a holistic approach.

Garlic has long been used as an antibiotic and for immune system health. Garlic has a component called allicin which is a general antibiotic and is effective against several different diseases and conditons. In order for garlic to be efficient against MRSA, it must be particularly processed as normal garlic processing makes it lose its anti-bacterial properties. If you are taking an anti-coagulant, you must speak to your physician before starting therapy as garlic can stop blood from clotting. Likewise, if you are allergic to garlic, you may want to consider another form of treatment.

Manuka is honey which is produced by bees gathering nectar from the manuka bush. While regular honey does have the power to help with bacteria, manuka has some extra benefits for patients of this dangerous disease. This type of honey has non-hydrogen peroxide antibacterial components so it is unaffected by any natural body processes which work to demolish hydrogen peroxide, making it more efficient for handling hurts. It has also been found to be highly effective against antibiotic resistant strains of diseases like MRSA. It does not lose potency when it is diluted. It is unaffected by heat and light and does not need oxygen to begin the healing process. At Last, this honey can diffuse deeply into tissue which will help it to get into areas which other topical solutions can't reach.

Essential oils are extracted from plants and are composed of hundreds of antifungal, antiviral, and antimicrobial elements. Because of the huge assortment of chemicals in these oils, bacteria have a hard time becoming immune to them, making them perfect for processing a disease like MRSA infection. These oils can be very potent and should only be used under the proper circumstances. In Front treating yourself with oils, talk to your doctor to find out which ones you should use and how much of them to take. The vast majority of these oils are used for aromatherapy and are not appropriate for use in this manner.

Friday, December 3, 2010

What Is Cubicin?

From yesterday fresh news are circulating in medical world. New antibiotic for battle against MRSA "Cubicin 2-minute IV antibiotic" is approved by FDA and because of that I'll try to give description of this antibiotic.
Cubicin is an antibiotic that fights bacteria in the body. Mainly is used to treat bacterial infections of the skin and underlying tissues.Cubicin may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.Cubicin infusion contains the active ingredient daptomycin, which is a medicine used to treat infections with bacteria, in particular Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Daptomycin(cubicin)  is a new type of antibiotic known as a lipopeptide antibiotic. It can only be used to treat infections with a specific sub-group of bacteria called Gram positive bacteria.
Cubicin works by binding to the cell membranes of Gram positive bacteria, causing them to lose potassium. This causes a reaction that rapidly stops the bacteria making proteins and genetic material that they need to survive and multiply. This kills the bacteria and treats the infection.
Cubicin has a different mechanism of action to all the other classes of antibiotics. This means it can be used to treat Gram positive bacterial infections that are resistant to other antibiotics. An example of this is infection with the "superbug" MRSA Staph Infection (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus). Such bacterial infections have become more common, particularly in hospitals, due to increasing resistance of bacteria to antibiotic treatment. As cubicin works in a different way to other antibiotics, it may provide doctors with a new line of attack for these types of infections. Other types of antibiotics may be used at the same time as treatment, if necessary. To make sure the bacteria causing an infection are susceptible to daptomycin your doctor may take a tissue sample, for example a swab from the skin, or a blood sample.
Until today,cubicin is given by a drip into a vein (intravenous infusion) over 30 minutes. Yesterday FDA approved new Cubicin 2-minute IV antibiotic against MRSA and similar diseases and that is good news for all who fight against this very serious diseases.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Focus on increasing hygiene in medical facilities or production of new "super antibiotics"?

Almost every single person has heard of the medical term MRSA infection and many have a view on how to stop it.When Paris Hilton went to jail in 2007, her parting words were not an apology for her irresponsible behaviour. Far from being embarrassed, Hilton said she was more worried about catching MRSA - and her fear is not unusual.

In the UK, when people think about going into hospital, they are more afraid of contracting MRSA than dying. As more people die than contract MRSA, how can the public's fears be explained? MRSA is a serious problem in the UK - hospital acquired infections (HAI) are a problem in most Western nations. However, the UK media have paid it much more attention. Between 1997-2007, the top six newspapers in the US published 177 articles about MRSA, compared with over 4,300 in the top six UK papers. This substantial difference helps explain why the public is so afraid. Much of the UK newspaper coverage centres around individual's stories. Tragic stories about young children or pregnant women contracting MRSA get a great deal of coverage, as do stories about celebrities such as Leslie Ash, Edwyn Collins and Claire Rayner contracting a hospital acquired infection. But the typical victims of MRSA - the elderly and the very ill - tend to be missing. Concentrating on young and relatively healthy victims encourages the public to see MRSA as something we should all be afraid of, all of the time. Television news, however, tends to ignore these more tabloid-style stories. It rarely reports MRSA, compared to newspaper coverage and when it does, it is primarily responding to government press releases.

In addition to the commonly reported story of the "tragedy of MRSA" is the "if only we cleaned hospitals better MRSA would disappear" story. Journalists berate doctors and nurses for failing to wash their hands, their white coats and their ties. Tabloids regularly send undercover journalists to report on the filthy state of local hospitals. Instead of tiring of these repetitive stories, we, the public, lap them up. The so-called dire state of UK hospitals and the problem of MRSA has come to represent the failure of the NHS, with one Daily Mail columnist renaming the NHS the 'National MRSA Service'.

The problem is, that most coverage fails to report the reams of scientific research on the causes and potential solutions to MRSA. Instead, the focus is on cleaning and poor hygiene, and on the more unusual and often untested solutions, such as bug-busting pyjamas. The question to ask is not simply 'why aren't hospitals clean?' Cleaning is part of the answer, but so is the reduction of antibiotics, which is regarded as one of the most effective ways of reducing MRSA. Increasing the number of isolation units so those with MRSA can be treated without the fear of infecting others is also part of the answer, as well as reducing bed occupancy in hospitals (eye styes). The media should reflect the whole story about MRSA. It could report how GPs should respond when patients demand antibiotics, or ask why the NHS isn't funding isolation units when research shows they reduce MRSA rates. If the media covered these stories on their front pages or on the morning news - would they help to start a different public debate? Research from Queen's Medical Centre in Nottingham recently found patients anxious and concerned about contracting MRSA in hospital. Their most frequent source of this information - the media. MRSA is a problem and should be reported, but if all the coverage is doing is making people anxious, the media need to ask itself if it is part of the problem. When the government announces rates have fallen, as they have recently, the media either fails to report them or tucks the story in the back pages. Reassuring stories might not be the most interesting for news editors, but the public deserves a more realistic picture of the problem of MRSA.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Basic Facts About Most Common MRSA Symptoms

My first post here will be dedicated to symptoms of one of most dangerous fast spreading infections today - MRSA. In this post will be given basic information about general symptoms and signs hat occur at the beginning of this type of infection. So, let start with blogging.  
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA is a common and dangerous illness. It is a form of the bacteria Staphylococcus Aureus. Staphylococcus Aureus (Staph) is a common bacteria seen in the nose or on the skin in 25% of human population. In regular life conditions Staph bacteria is considered as a completely harmless, until natural immune system working right. When the immune system of patinet is hurt, MRSA infection can cause serious illness and even death. MRSA can be picked up through skin to skin contact and if the skin has been broken, but also by toilets, gym equipment, footlocker rooms and towels.

Starting symptoms of MRSA  can be identified with small bumps (mostly very painful) on skin surface that look like acne,superbug may get into the bloodline through the minor skin trauma (cut,wound) and can cause critical infections all over patient's organic structure.The symptoms to look for are:

  * Skin Boils (Furuncles) - can be defined as deep infections of the hair follicles, normally caused by Staph Aureus bacteria.Generally they appear like a painful swollen skin region caused by pus.

  * Carbuncles - larger than furuncles, mostly with openings draining pus on the skin. It is caused also by Staphylococcus Aureus . Carbuncles are contagious and can spread all over the organic structure or other people.

  * Styes (Hordeolumes) - disease of the sebaceous glands of the Zeis on the eyelashes or the apocrine sweat glands of Moll. They are commonly caused by SA bacteria infection or by the blocking of an oil glan on the eyelash.

  * Impetigo - infection of skin caused by bacteria, very contagious, most usually infected are younger children and close contact sports players.

  * Abscesses - collections of dead neutrophils (pus) that gathered in a cavity as a defensive reaction to prevent the spread of the infection to other body regions.

  * Cellulitis - medical condition of dermis and subcutaneous tissue, very common, it appears most ordinarily on the face or lower leg or arm, but can come out anywhere on the body.

  * Urinary Tract Infection - described as a bacterial infection of the urinary tract. Bacteria gets into the bladder or kidney and they multiply in the urine, witch does not contain bacteria ordinarily.

  * Bloodstream Infection (Bacteremia) - is the invasion of bacteria in the bloodstream. Bloodstream infection can occur due to a surgical procedure, injection, infection or wound. It can pass without symptoms or can lead to septic shock, witch can end with fatal consequences for patient.
 * Also, it is not rare that diseases like smallpox, wound infections, influenza and postoperative suppuration may cause MRSA infection. 

MRSA superbug disease is diagnosed with lab runs, that can give us a result within 48 hours, but newer DNA examination can give us a answer within a couple of hours. In case that final results are positive, MRSA is handling with variety of medicines, specifically designated for each patient to achieve maximum efficiency. Antibiotics are not so effective in healing process because MRSA has power to adapt on different cases of medicaments, and that is serious danger from this germ. The best prevention for the MRSA bacteria is individual hygiene, thoroughly wash your hands, and disinfect them, using band-aids on your cuts and wounds. If there is any suspicion in symptoms and signs mentioned in article should be worry and search for medical assistance right away. As sooner is MRSA discovered and healing process starts, there is a great chance that MRSA will be stopped without severe damaging of organic structure and long term consequences on patient.