Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Basic Facts About Most Common MRSA Symptoms

My first post here will be dedicated to symptoms of one of most dangerous fast spreading infections today - MRSA. In this post will be given basic information about general symptoms and signs hat occur at the beginning of this type of infection. So, let start with blogging.  
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA is a common and dangerous illness. It is a form of the bacteria Staphylococcus Aureus. Staphylococcus Aureus (Staph) is a common bacteria seen in the nose or on the skin in 25% of human population. In regular life conditions Staph bacteria is considered as a completely harmless, until natural immune system working right. When the immune system of patinet is hurt, MRSA infection can cause serious illness and even death. MRSA can be picked up through skin to skin contact and if the skin has been broken, but also by toilets, gym equipment, footlocker rooms and towels.

Starting symptoms of MRSA  can be identified with small bumps (mostly very painful) on skin surface that look like acne,superbug may get into the bloodline through the minor skin trauma (cut,wound) and can cause critical infections all over patient's organic structure.The symptoms to look for are:

  * Skin Boils (Furuncles) - can be defined as deep infections of the hair follicles, normally caused by Staph Aureus bacteria.Generally they appear like a painful swollen skin region caused by pus.

  * Carbuncles - larger than furuncles, mostly with openings draining pus on the skin. It is caused also by Staphylococcus Aureus . Carbuncles are contagious and can spread all over the organic structure or other people.

  * Styes (Hordeolumes) - disease of the sebaceous glands of the Zeis on the eyelashes or the apocrine sweat glands of Moll. They are commonly caused by SA bacteria infection or by the blocking of an oil glan on the eyelash.

  * Impetigo - infection of skin caused by bacteria, very contagious, most usually infected are younger children and close contact sports players.

  * Abscesses - collections of dead neutrophils (pus) that gathered in a cavity as a defensive reaction to prevent the spread of the infection to other body regions.

  * Cellulitis - medical condition of dermis and subcutaneous tissue, very common, it appears most ordinarily on the face or lower leg or arm, but can come out anywhere on the body.

  * Urinary Tract Infection - described as a bacterial infection of the urinary tract. Bacteria gets into the bladder or kidney and they multiply in the urine, witch does not contain bacteria ordinarily.

  * Bloodstream Infection (Bacteremia) - is the invasion of bacteria in the bloodstream. Bloodstream infection can occur due to a surgical procedure, injection, infection or wound. It can pass without symptoms or can lead to septic shock, witch can end with fatal consequences for patient.
 * Also, it is not rare that diseases like smallpox, wound infections, influenza and postoperative suppuration may cause MRSA infection. 

MRSA superbug disease is diagnosed with lab runs, that can give us a result within 48 hours, but newer DNA examination can give us a answer within a couple of hours. In case that final results are positive, MRSA is handling with variety of medicines, specifically designated for each patient to achieve maximum efficiency. Antibiotics are not so effective in healing process because MRSA has power to adapt on different cases of medicaments, and that is serious danger from this germ. The best prevention for the MRSA bacteria is individual hygiene, thoroughly wash your hands, and disinfect them, using band-aids on your cuts and wounds. If there is any suspicion in symptoms and signs mentioned in article should be worry and search for medical assistance right away. As sooner is MRSA discovered and healing process starts, there is a great chance that MRSA will be stopped without severe damaging of organic structure and long term consequences on patient.

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